🦕 Punk NFT Drop

Dinosaur Punk NFT 155
Finn Punk #155

From time to time we add a new punk NFT to our Finns Punks collection. And today we’re adding 5 new ones to the Finns Punks, our dinosaur punk PFP collection!

Dinosaur Punk NFT Collection

Finns Punks is a dinosaur punk NFT collection. In this collection we recreate each of the original CryptoPunks as a dinosaur. The traits, hair… all the same!

Our collection goal is to remake each and every single one of the crypto punks. So all 10.000 of them! But we do this carefully, as the collection and number of owners grow, we add to the collection. This to control the growth and prevent the floor from falling.

Controlled growth is one of the perks of the Finns Punks collection. But there are others! 3 different roadmaps, airdrops, full commercial rights… Check our dedicated page about Finns Punks for more!

The New Dinosaur Punks

Todays new drop consists out of 5 new dinosaur punks: Finn Punk 151 up until Finn Punk 155. Below you can preview each of our punks.

Finn Punk #151
Finn Punk #151
Dinosaur Cryptopunk NFT 152
Finn Punk #152
Crypto Punks remake 153
Finn Punk #153
Dinosaur Punk NFT 154
Finn Punk #154
Dinosaur Punk NFT 155
Finn Punk #155

The new punks include one with VR glasses, one bandit, a hooded one, a black punk one and a clown!

Interested in getting one? Head over to our shop on OpenSea and get one of our dinosaur punks! The current floor is at 0.007 ETH (on Polygon, no gas fees).