NFT Giveaway + Thunder, Pteranodon NFT

Evolution NFT Giveaway poster
Evolution NFT Giveaway poster introducing Thunder, our Pteranodon

A few days ago we reached 1000 Twitter followers, and we want to thank you all again for joining us and your support towards Cryptosaurs. As a thank you and to celebrate our 1000 followers, we are launching another NFT giveaway!


Thunder, our Pteranodon NFT

Before we introduce you to our NFT giveaway, we want to take the opportunity to introduce you to the latest dinosaur NFT added to our dinosaur NFT base set. She’s the latest addition to the dinosaur family. Meet Thunder! Thunder is a Pteranodon.

Thunder, Pteranodon NFT

04 – Thunder ♀️

Supply: 100 (💙)

Thunder is an epic (rarity) dinosaur, minted 100 times. The other dinosaurs we already minted, were minted 1000 times. There will not be that many people who’ll be able to own a Thunder NFT as the other dinosaurs.

What are Pteranodons?

A Pteranodon is one of the pterosaurs, flying “dinosaurs”. The Pterosaurs lived in the Cretaceous period. Pterosaur is Greek for wing lizard.

To be 100% correct, pterosaurs are not dinosaurs but reptiles. Often the media falsely classifies Pterosaurs as dinosaurs, but this is not correct. We did add him to our dinosaur collection as well, but let’s just keep that to ourselves 🤫.

The Pteranodon is one of the largest flying reptiles. They have a wingspan of over 7 meters (23 feet).

You can learn more about the Pteranodon on Wikipedia.

Evolution NFT Giveaway – Win Free NFTs

Our giveaway is called the evolution NFT giveaway. Why this name will be clear soon. In total there will be 50 people who’ll win a free NFT!

This giveaway will run until next Tuesday, July 20th. That gives plenty of time for everyone to participate. After the competition is over, the winners will be selected and posted on our Twitter. Rewards will be distributed in the days following the giveaway.

Evolution NFT Giveaway poster
Evolution NFT Giveaway poster introducing Thunder, our Pteranodon

Why Evolution NFT Giveaway?

We call it the evolution giveaway, because what you get is depending on what dinosaurs you already own. You’ll get the first dinosaur that you don’t own.

A full breakdown of what dinosaur you’ll receive, assuming that you win:

  • If you don’t own Finn, you get Finn. Finn is the green dinosaur.
  • If you own Finn, but you don’t own Sam, you get Sam. Sam is the yellow stegosaurus.
  • If you own Finn and Sam, but not Sheila, you get Sheila. Sheila is the pink stegosaurus.
  • If you own Finn, Sam and Sheila, you get Thunder. Thunder is our epic Pteranodon dinosaur NFT.

Our Dinosaur NFTs

Our dinosaurs are ERC1155 tokens. ERC1155 is a quite new standard that has some advantages, but support is not ideal yet.

You’ll see your dinosaur NFTs in your OpenSea account and will be able to keep it there, sell it… But you won’t see it in Metamask yet. Metamask plans support for ERC1155 in Q4 2021.

Required Steps to Participate in our Giveaway

It’s quite easy to participate in our giveaway. Below you can find the few required steps to join:

  1. Follow our Twitter page:
  2. Like and retweet our pinned post about the giveaway
  3. Comment on our post with the following information:
    • Tag 3 friends
    • Link to your Polygon wallet on OpenSea:<your-polygon-address> (no account is needed, for example:

We’ll use the link to your OpenSea wallet to check the dinosaurs you already own and to send the rewards.